Friday 9 January 2009

about last night

how do i start to write about is what i want to end to write about, and it is about last night, just last night

i was trapped in contentment when rain was trickling down as i walked her to ice cream's corner, somewhere nearby st. theresa -church of life-, a place where hundreds of candles have been lit, a place where moments of joy have been started with

i was there with this smart young lady, teasing her for a cup of ice cream as she adores ice cream more than any kind of food, while i was trapped with a can of diet coke to please my thirst

the evening went sinfully stunning as decent talks shared and enticing laughter poured as we lived our life for last night, absorbed with amazing view of falling rain and we knew this kind of moment was hard to come by in this hectic city like jakarta

if i then scream for an ice cream wouldn't hurt her, i wish she could hear what i was screaming inside of my heart that i've been wanting her all these days to be part of my life, once and for all...

if i then this pouring rain was too harsh in sound that might have prevented my whispers to her ears, i wish she could listen what i whispered that she has been the central part of my life in recent months, once for all...

if this evening would finally end as ice cream run out of place, as diet coke dried in the glass, i wish i had done enough to let her aware that i do really want her to be included in every walk of this life, once for all...

i wish her enough of last night

and still as this morning arrived, i was once again swayed in the moment of joy, thinking about last night, a moment in pisa's cafe, a time in ikan bakar cianjur batu tulis, a series of laughter and smiles plus talks that would remain forever

and still as this friday fell on, i was hoping in the early morning, down on my knee to pray to our Dear Lord wishing He'd bless this kind of sweetness that He's allowed me tasting in best way of life with this independent gal

and still as my starbuck coffee still smells good, i'm wishing my writing has done enough to express the way i feel about her, the way i love about her, the way i adore the future life with her

and now...
now it is all down to every faith i hold about my future, about her, about one fine day in uluwatu bali, about walking down the aisle, about loving for eternity, about life till the end

now it is my time to move on by exercising my faith in love, once for all...

now, all i know, i've marked another night to remember with a cup of ice cream and a can of diet coke in pisa cafe st. theresa

now it is all about last night, a night where an evening was hold in indescribable bliss of life

yes, it is now and last night...

Have a splendid weekend, my dear beloved!

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