Thursday 22 January 2009

life is too short

22.17pm was the token when "life is too short" was reaching my mobile...
it was yesterday late evening, it was wednesday...

along the way on the way home, i was thinking hard of this sentence, thrilled by the meaning, moved by the implied message and the left wordless by vibrant expression...

i suddenly realise what to do and what to say...
i suddenly notice what lists are now topping my heart that i must do, and i must do it with my very heart at the first thing in the morning to all my loved ones...

suddenly i think of calling my loving mother...
suddenly i think of texting my respectful dad...
suddenly i think of dropping a hello to my close uncles...
suddenly i think of asking the latest updates of my best cousin "benny"...
suddenly i think of buying a bunch of flower to someone i fancy much...

suddenly i think all of it...

suddenly i think of if, if, and if...
if life has a page then i want to write with simplicity...
if life has a name then i want to call it with honesty...
if life has a color then i want to paint it with sincerity...

suddenly i am too aware that "life is too short" (as my adorable boss texted last night)

suddenly i am thinking of asking my close friends whether they all know that "life is too short"...

(suddenly if life has a chance then i want to share this life with you)

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