Tuesday 13 January 2009

i'm riding my life with no fear

You have has always made it plain.

There is as much chance of you capturing my heart in fullest extent as previous weekend moving from close to closer, a perfect way to describe our closeness as steamed fish and Karedok seemed to be tastiest in Sari Kuring, somewhere nearby SCBD

You always believe perfection will arrive when time is right without rushing it or nurturing it, and this is something I learn from you, and if I can be honest, this might be something that might have been put me in jeopardy in the past

It can be a frustrating spell….
Like waiting for fine wine to mature or cheese to ripen….

So the keyword here is patience (as you believe patience brings out the best for always)

But there is a whiff around my circle which suggests waiting for right time to find the right person could be a barren option and this is something I might have fallen to believe in, but then I realize waiting for you is a distinct option

It was more worthwhile I guess

I did not regret the slightest sign of being slightly late in finding you in this life, or intimidated by an atmosphere which was about as “fearsome” as bachelor’s life gets me in perfection

As I put it succinctly: "I’ve my life with no fear."

It is one thing many have been tempted to comment that I might have been trapped in relentless searching Ms. Perfect but and it is quite another for few to notice that I’m only a casual chap who aims to the Ms. Right (far from perfection but close to completion)

Suddenly, it gets even better in feeling when knowing my time is closer than thought

Suddenly, all are amazing feelings to feel

Suddenly, you are the most heart-pleasing creature in this life

(all of sudden, out of blue, i'm riding this life without any fear of future)

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