Wednesday 4 February 2009

love letter (from the breeze, the semaya, seminyak bali)

my dearly beloved,

and the love of bali continues as the love for you continues blooming...

in a way where love was planted seemed to be perfect, it was the way how love was blossomed that made me passionate about you and yourself...

while many would whisper over and over again that they way love was planted was the best way to judge our love, i'd continue arguing and believing that "how the way was blossomed" was that mattered most to our only beloved love...

and i know i'd stick to what i believe in till heaven bursts...

and if felt "the breeze" in the samaya hotel might be too magical to feel when rain was harshly falling on previous saturday night, still, i was thinking that being with you would always matter most than which places we might have gone...

and if wished "the sea breeze" nearby shore might be too unreal to wish when moments we had seemed to be unrivalled, still, i could say that every smile you shared was enjoyed more than any italian salad or belgium breads that we had that night...

and if many "ifs" would be continued writing then i'd believe many "thens" would be continued jotting down too...

but the whole truth would stand forever across the time that with whom you go always matters most than where you go...

and suddenly my passion of writing about bali is now coming back again, and i must write about you more and more ( as more as i want t0 write about bali )...

still, i'm wordless to depict what blasting feeling i was involved with you in these recent days...

still, i'm speechless to tell you how much previous trip has taken me to another phase of life which is blissful is the feeling and joyful is the emotion...

still, many more to write despite too few to confess as i'm better in writing than telling...

now it is now that allows me to write about you...
now it is today that makes me believe that our love is now written in the stars...
now it is tomorrow that makes me wish to be with you for always...

(i wish i had done enough to make you believe that i love you)..
(i wish i had seen enough every token to believe that you were made for me)..
(i wish i had writen enough to make you feel how much i want you to be in this life)..

with every love in the world,
kevin anthony

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bali is one of the few islands in the world with white and black sand beaches.....but, don't believe me...
Go see for yourself!

He could shake this woman's world. He is someone special, very special in her heart. He knows what inside her heart and mind. Make changes in her life. I bet she falls in love with him, not just with his physically but with his heart,mind and his family.

He is her happy love. The first time in her life she felt so blessed and happy that God has sent him for her. He is the answer of her pray. I knew God will answer the pray in His time and now is the right time. We have to be patient waiting for God to come into our life and let Him guide us and make our wishes come true.

I hope I still can say this in their 50th even 100th anniversary.

Beib... Lord hears your pray
Thank you God that You have lead my favorite guy to the end of his journey in finding his true love and his eternal happiness.

With all the best in the world