Monday 9 February 2009

Last Night In St Theresa

Last night I was in the Church of Life, letting three candles burnt while sending simple prayers to my Dear Lord to take a good care of my loved ones and my business that is now in the fast lane of growing path

Last night I was in Saint Theresa, being another person with sincerity and praying for simplicity as this life has been wonderful and I just want to swim this ocean of joy by being a person who believes in my Redeemer only

Last night I was amazed by one simple confession of one imperfect chap who lost his voice due to throat cancer, but then he stood up above anything and cared for nothing but to voice his love of our Savior which is unbelievable

Last night I was blessed to learn from this chap that there are 3 ways how our Dear Lord might have loved us in this life, and those 3 ways are suddenly putting me back to all those days when life was seemingly unfair but then I know by now He has loved me most by any means

And last night I was there, thanking for another week that has gone by, wishing for another week to come by and longing for every lesson that I might take up as life is a learning process that never ends

And last night I was there in my Church of Life, in Saint Theresa, with love and joy
And last night I was overjoyed by the facts I’m living a life which is nearly perfect

And last night I was there to see my candles melting to the end
And last night my love for my Redeemer was strengthened till the end

Have a splendid Monday!

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