Friday 14 November 2008

Love Letter (14 Nov 2008)

suddenly I miss you like nobody else...
i must write you this since it has been a week since we last met and every sweet thought of you seems to be around my mind and i just can't get you out of this mind, no matter how hard i've tried

suddenly I miss you, I miss your kiss, and I miss your wish
I miss all of it...
and till now your kiss still tastes sweet and if I have to choose, I'll let your kiss last on my cheek till heaven bursts, but then how can't I stand on my own if I don't see you by the end of this month?

suddenly I want to kiss you like nobody needs to know
suddenly I want you to know that your kiss for me is an endless glow
your kiss is what I need most when cloudy day seems to be misleading when my sunny day looks to be less compelling

suddenly I know that I must see you

in this life, before and now, I've dated some gals but being with you is just unbelievably different and loving you is surely the best gift this life has given me besides my breath

you breath new life into my love, taking my attention into lesser ones and letting me flown into the rhythm of joy without never pushing me to follow what you believe in or prefer to

you show me a series of insights that loving someone is a combination of loving words and caring deeds, and every argument is a reduction to our love but every compliment is a bonus to our love

with you my love blossoms like a mushroon in the rainy season, but then you won't stop there, you allow me growing in my own pace and giving me space to love you in my own style, something which is you fancy most as you say my way of loving you is very unique and incomparable

now I know I'll be less meaningful when you are not around
words you say, deeds you do, hugs you give and smile you show to me are just the best gifts of day that our Dear Lord has given to my life

and certainly, falling in love with you is just the best gift of this life has poured on me

I love you for so many reasons and I'll love you for many more reasons

with all the love in the world,
Kevin Anthony

1 comment:

Meita Nahar said...

You’ve been unbelievably lucky in love!