Friday 29 August 2008

10 "LASTS" Of The Beatles

1. "Let It Be" was the last album The Beatles released on 8 May 1970

2. "The Long and Winding Road" was the last The Beatles' #1 song in the United States, topping the chart on 23 May 1970

3. "The End" was the last song recorded collectively by all four of The Beatles for the album "Abbey Road" which was released on 26 September 1969

4. Candlestick Park in San Francisco was the last concert of The Beatles and it was performed on 29 August 1966

5. "Real Love" was the last song written by John Lennon credited to The Beatles

6. "Milk and Honey" was the last album of John Lennon, released on 27 January 1984

7. "I don't Wanna Face" was the last song John Lennon ever recorded but never fully finished

8. "Memory Almost Full" was the last album of Paul McCartney and it was released on

9. "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" was the last song The Beatles made and recorded together as a group before they split up

10. "Let It Be" was the last single the Beatles released in the UK before their forever break-up

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