Monday 18 August 2008

10 Reasons Why Women Fall In Love With The Wrong Men

Reason 1:
He says all the right things at the right time...

Reason 2:
He does small things that make you think he cares...

Reason 3:
He is good in bed...

Reason 4:
He is good looking...

Reason 5:
You do not want to be the only single one in your group of friends...

Reason 6:
You are thirty (or some other magic age) and feel like it is time to settle down...

Reason 7:
You do not think anyone else is interested...

Reason 8:
Being with someone who is not quite right is better than being alone...

Reason 9:
Your friend set you up on a blind date, and now you feel like you owe it to them to keep dating him

Reason 10:
He is not right, but I can change him!


Anonymous said...

Girls....please read and remember this 10 reasons, after that ask yourself did you always think like this, because I did once, but I learn my mistakes...
So, if you one on Tony's attention to his behaviour and dont be trapped hihihi..kidding beib...YOU ROCK!!!


Meita Nahar said...

I loved him more than I ever thought I could love anybody. Maybe that was the problem.

What is love anyway? Can anyone define love? How would you know that you're really in love?

Anonymous said...

You forgot the most important reason for woman, Tony :

You THINK he is the "ONE", the long lost soulmate that God provides ... when you start to believe it, then everything else is adjustable" ...
Until it's too late ... until you realized that he is nothing more than an asshole ... hahaha ...