Wednesday 29 October 2008

one wednesday with love

i don't know how to start this writing since load of mixed thoughts to start with but then i'm even wondering how to end since i'm full of ideas of making enticing endings

so how do i start it?
let me start with one decent sentence..."cold outside, warm inside"...

i don't know if the sentence really describes the description of today, but all i know this wednesday was kicked off with load of cloudy smells, a sort of cold morning feeling as rain was pouring at dawn, and sunshine seems to have vanished

now when 'cold outside and warm inside" was exposed, a thought of stunning memory of seeing falling snow -back to old days in brighton england- took much of my smiles when holding a cup of hot tea while sitting in my room and watching falling snows that never lasted

for hours, i were there in silence as words were wordless to describe the beauty of falling snows, and loveliness of winter could bring, as tough, led this enticing life into a sphere of speechlessness as my life was wrapped in total joy of the winter

for hours, i was sitting all by myself, letting myself lost in all sweet imagination about cracking sunlight that would appear later, or letting my imagination to take me to a perfect place where sweetness of playing and walking under falling snow was now obvious to savor

for a while, then many whiles, i was silenced by continued falling snows before i finally walked out of the door to walk under falling snows, trying to catch as much as falling snows to write the word of love on the street, then catching my imagination to see shiny hairs when falling snow hit our hairs

to tell you the vibes were amazing and it was such a mesmerizing moment to watch

then you might know why i called "cold outside, warm inside" as i continued feeling warm inside of my heart because all sweetness of winter gave me pool of decent memories of falling snow (now you know why i luv using the word of "fall" too)

but today is here and all we have is here and now, and for this reason i must severe a thought of falling snow as sunny wednesday seems to arrive shortly in style as cloudy day seems to have appeared

i wish a truly sunny day would lead my day into contention, because in truth, i'm scheduled to see my old friend later this evening in plaza semanggi, and this old friend is partly of my circle that i wish to keep for last

before i go, i wish you know why...
i luv using the words of grow and fall, or cold and warm
i luv choosing conflicting words to make it sweeter in sound

have a splendid wednesday everyone...

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